Session 3 - Source Surveys, Galaxy Surveys, Distance Scale I.
Display session, Wednesday, January 07
Exhibit Hall,
The STIS Parallel Survey (SPS) catalog is a spectral database of extragalactic sources detected in the far-red\,/\,near-IR by STIS. The catalog provides morphological and photometric information on galaxies detected in SPS images and slitless spectra. This catalog excludes the region |b^II| < 30 to avoid fields dominated by Galactic foreground stars. The catalog is built from SExtractor object detection output (Bertin amp; Arnouts 1995), including aperture and isophotal magnitudes, peak surface brightness, axial ratio, and orientation. Information is also included from the analysis of extracted spectra. Redshifts are determined for the emission-line galaxies detected.
An atlas of reduced data used to build the catalog (camera mode images, slitless spectra, and spectral extractions) is also available. The images are produced by registering and combining all frames obtained within \pm5 arcseconds of each other for increased signal to noise and optimal cosmic ray and hot pixel rejection. The corresponding slitless spectrum images are registered and combined using the camera mode images as a guide.