Session 4 - Education: Telescopes, the Web and Curricula.
Display session, Wednesday, January 07
Exhibit Hall,
The goal of the Haystack Observatory Educational Research Initiative is to develop a novel center for undergraduate research in radio astronomy. The initiative has two main thrusts - providing access to the 37-m radio telescope and developing a small radio telescope kit for hands-on experience in basic engineering as well as radio astronomy principles. We will outline our short term goals which include on-site usage of the 37-m radio telescope by regional colleges with and without astronomy programs and testing of the internet access software and the small radio telescope. We will describe our experiences with the pilot projects carried out the past year. As part of the project we are also developing materials and project books which will be available on the WWW. Finally, we will outline our long term goals which include providing national, remote access to the 37-m telescope.