Session 6 - HII Regions & Massive Star Formation.
Display session, Wednesday, January 07
Exhibit Hall,
We present unique new mid-ir images of the HII complex G34.26+0.15. The images were acquired through a 1.8% CVF at 8.0, 11.2, 12.8, and 13.2 microns and through a 6.8% filter at 20.6 microns using the MIRAC2 mid-infrared array camera at the NASA IRTF on Mauna Kea, on the nights of May 27 and 28, 1995.
The complex has been well observed at radio continuum wavelengths, at which it consists of the "cometary" ultracompact region G34 C, two smaller ultracompact regions, A and B, and an extended region, D. Mid-ir emission peaks at A and C coincide with radio peaks, but source B is not present in the mid-ir. Furthermore, C does not exhibit a "cometary" shape in the infrared as it does in the radio. At 20.6 microns, emission from source C extends to a secondary peak south of the radio emission, and another new faint source was discovered 17 arc sec south of C. The wide field of view of MIRAC2 allowed detailed infrared imaging of the extended source D for the first time. The images of D show strong NeII emission and striking differences in its extended emission at different wavelengths. We were unable to detect the sources at 9.7 microns, indicating very strong silicate absorption across the complex.