Session 7 - Molecular Clouds.
Display session, Wednesday, January 07
Exhibit Hall,
As part of a program to identify and characterize Galactic protostars (mostly Class I and II objects), we have used a 12/25\mum color index to cull some 4,800 candidate objects from the IRAS PSC. Use of SIMBAD has reduced this list by about 700 objects, previously classified as PNe or galaxies. Our final test consists of searching for evidence of local dust heating in the 60 and 100\mum IRAS images.
However, direct comparison of data for these bands is hampered by the coarse angular resolution of the standard IRAS data products and by the different angular responses of the detector-telescope combination for the two bands. HIRES MCM processing can recover information on angular scales smaller than the detector sizes. However, computation of two-band temperature maps will be compromised by the mismatch of resolutions obtained in standard HIRES products.
One solution is to resample the 60\mum HIRES maps with the synthetic 100\mum detector response, then perform the MCM restoration to generate 60\mum maps with 100\mum resolution. This method should be superior to the alternative of convolving each band's map with the other band's response function. Nevertheless, we find few examples of this HIRES implementation of band-matching.
We have developed a pipeline system for performing this resolution-matching HIRES processing at Boston University and have begun to apply it to the culled protostar candidate list. Examples of the processing steps, resulting flux maps, effective beam sizes, and two-band temperature maps will be shown on this poster.