Session 7 - Molecular Clouds.
Display session, Wednesday, January 07
Exhibit Hall,
We present new 25, 60 and 100 \mum HIRES-processed IRAS images of L1448N IRS2, a candidate Class 0 source in the Perseus molecular cloud, along with a CO J = 1 \rightarrow 0 map of the associated molecular outflow. The object was not detected at 12 \mum by IRAS. The references to L1448 IRS2 are sparse, as most observers have preferred to study the spectacular outflow of neighboring L1448C, or the brighter source L1448 IRS3. A point source modeling scheme combined with HIRES processing of the IRAS data was used to obtain improved flux values and upper limits. These fluxes and upper limits, along with a 1.3 mm continuum data point obtained at the NRAO 12 meter telescope located on Kitt Peak, allowed us to plot a spectral energy distribution (SED) and to derive the bolometric luminosity, the dust temperature, and the circumstellar dust mass. It was necessary to model the source using multiple input spikes in the simulation program, which may reflect the extended nature of this object. The analysis leads us to conclude that L1448 IRS2 is a true Class 0 protostar.