Session 9 - SOFIA and IR Instrumentation.
Display session, Wednesday, January 07
Exhibit Hall,
We are developing a heterodyne receiver system for SOFIA. The receiver will use a superconducting tunnel junction (SIS) mixers up to 1200 Ghz, and superconducting hot electron bolometers (HEB) mixers above 1200 GHz. The local oscillator sources will be Schottky diode multiplers driven either by HEMT power amplifiers or Gunn oscillators at frequencies near 100 Ghz. The 4 Ghz wide IF bandwidth will be analyzed by AOS and analog correlation spectrometers. The receiver will initially cover the 500 - 2000 Ghz frequency range (150 - 600 micons), with double-sideband noise temperature in the range 4 - 10 hv/k.