Session 15 - Planetary Nebulae and White Dwarfs.
Display session, Wednesday, January 07
Exhibit Hall,
We report high resolution (2.5\arcsec) CO J=1-0 line imaging which reveals a molecular disk around the origin of the spectacular, 14\arcmin\times 4\arcmin, episodic jets in the planetary nebula KjPn 8. The disk is 30\arcsec\ in diameter with an expansion velocity of \approx 7 km s^-1. The axis of the disk is aligned with the youngest and fastest (\approx 300 km s^-1) of the bipolar jets, and there is evidence for interaction between the jets and the disk material. The inner 4\arcsec\ of the disk are photo-ionized by the central star. The disk-jet system dominates the environment of this young nebula, and should govern the morphology of KjPn 8 as it evolves to become fully ionized.