Session 17 - Data Archives & Tools.
Display session, Wednesday, January 07
Exhibit Hall,
The Statistical Consulting Center for Astronomy (SCCA) is a NASA-sponsored service located at Penn State University that provides prompt high-quality advice on statistical and methodological issues to the astronomical community. Questions are asked via email ( with answers posted on the Web ( and in a forthcoming publication. In addition, we maintain a Web metasite called StatCodes ( with links to dozens of public domain source codes, packages and on-line statistical services that may be useful to astronomers.
The SCCA has addressed a wide range of methodological including comparison of samples (two-sample tests), treatment of measurement error in regression, treatment of censoring and truncation due to flux limits, goodness-of-fit and parameter estimation for nonlinear functions (including confidence intervals for the parameters), multivariate analysis and clustering, time series analysis including establishing the presence of variability, finding periodicities, and estimating lags. Suggested methods include maximum likelihood estimation, bootstrap resampling, and a variety of specific statistics and tests including Wald-type statistics, Mantel-Haenzel test, rank sum test, orthogonal distance regression, variance function estimation, partial correlation, Wei-Lachin test, Cramér-von Mises statistic and likelihood ratio test,