Session 18 - STIS.
Display session, Wednesday, January 07
Exhibit Hall,
The Faint Object Spectrograph (FOS) served as one of the prime instruments on the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) from the initial insertion of HST into orbit in May, 1990 through instrument replacement during the second servicing mission to the HST in February, 1997. The FOS was used to obtain a wealth of near UV through near IR spectra of targets as diverse as solar system objects and quasars. Some of these observations are still undergoing proprietary analysis, and the entire legacy of FOS data is available in the HST Archive and likely will remain heavily used for years to come. As we recommend that all archive data be re-calibrated, we present a status report on the close-out calibration of the FOS, with particular emphasis on the recently revised post-COSTAR flux and flatfield calibrations. The limiting uncertainties and error sources associated with each major calibration type and observing mode are characterized.