Session 19 - Source Surveys, Galaxy Surveys, Distance Scale II.
Display session, Wednesday, January 07
Exhibit Hall,
We present our analyses a catalog of 710,000 galaxies with I_AB \le 24. The catalog is derived from a CCD imaging survey performed at the KPNO 4m telescope which covers a contiguous 4^\circ \times 4^\circ region. This area is an order of magnitude larger than that of previous contiguous surveys to comparable depth (I = 23.5). The large contiguous area enables us to constrain the topology, frequency, and distribution of large-scale (\sim 40h^-1 Mpc) structure up to z\approx1.
Immediate products of the survey are objectively derived catalogues of distant galaxies and clusters. We will report constraints on number counts (spanning 12 magnitudes from the same homogeneous data) and on the n-point angular correlation functions.
We find evidence for mild galaxy evolution (about 1 mag of brightening or a doubling of the density by I=23 relative to an Ømega_o = 1 no evolution model). We also observe evidence for evolution of the spatial correlation function (via Limber's equation). At low redshift (I \le 19), we find good agreement with the APM ømega(\theta) values. If the redshift dependence of \xi(r) is expressed as \xi(r,z) = (r øver r_o)^-\gamma (1 + z)^-(3+\epsilon), we find r_o \sim 4h^-1 Mpc, \gamma = 0.75\pm0.05, and -1 \le \epsilon \le 0 for I \ge 20.
We will also present estimates of the higher moments of the angular distribution (N=3,4,5) on scales up to 1 degree.