Session 39 - Supernovae.
Display session, Thursday, January 08
Exhibit Hall,
The effects of general relativity on the hydrodynamics and the neutrino transport are examined during the critical shock reheating phase of core collapse supernovae. We find that core collapse computed with general relativistic hydrodynamics results in a substantially more compact structure out to the stagnated shock, the shock radius being reduced by a factor of 2 after 300 ms for a 25 M_odot model and 600 ms for a 15 M_ødot model, times being measured from bounce. The inflow speed of material behind the shock is also increased by about a factor of 2 throughout most of the evolution as a consequence of general relativistic hydrodynamics. We have developed a general relativistic, static MGFLD code and compared the steady state neutrino distributions for selected time slices of the post bounce models with those computed with a Newtonian MGFLD from the same model configurations. The general relativistic transport calculations display the expected reductions in neutrino luminosities and rms energies from redshift and curvature effects, and the magniudes of these effects increase with time as the core becomes more compact. Finally, we find that the neutrino radiation computed by the general relativistic, static MGFLD neutrino transport code from a model evolved with general relativistic hydrodynamics has greater luminosities and harder spectra than that computed by Newtonian MGFLD from the same model evolved with Newtonian hydrodynamics. We conclude that general relativistic effects result in core configurations and neutrino radiation that is sufficiently different from corresponding Newtonian calculations that any conclusions based on the latter should be suspect.