Session 46 - Variable Stars - Late Type.
Display session, Thursday, January 08
Exhibit Hall,
Spectra of Mira stars from about 6200 Åto 8800 Åwere taken in a search for anticorrelation between the H\alpha emission feature and the CaII infrared triplet. This anticorrelation is indicative of the flourescence of H\epsilon photons by CaII, which may explain the near absence of H\epsilon when the other Balmer emission lines are present (Castelaz amp; Luttermoser 1997, AJ, 114, 1584). The spectra also provides a measure of effective temperature. We will present spectra for R Leo, R Cvn, and V CVn taken in February, March, and May of 1997 using a low resolution spectrograph onboard the Southeastern Association for Research in Astronomy 0.9-meter telescope at Kitt Peak, Arizona. We will also present an initial set of differential BVRI photometry of the Mira stars taken nearly simultaneously with the spectra.
The authors gratefully acknowledge support from NSF grant AST-9500756. Eric Lingerfelt and Clayton Clark are undergraduates at ETSU who greatly appreciate support from an NSF REU Supplement grant.
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