Session 48 - Gamma Rays & X-ray Instrumentation.
Display session, Thursday, January 08
Exhibit Hall,
The Broadband Observatory for Localization of Transients (BOLT) is a Small Explorer mission to study the origins of gamma-ray bursts. BOLT will provide a burst sensitivity improved an order of magnitude over BATSE, arcsecond burst astrometry, broadband energy coverage (5 keV -- 1 MeV), realtime (< 3 minute) burst notification and localization, high sensitivity to cyclotron lines, wide FOV, and will telemeter all data to the ground. Over its mission life, BOLT will provide \sim500 bursts with positins accurate enough for counterpart IDs and over 1000 bursts for detailed study. BOLT will also survey the entire hard X-ray sky to flux levels a factor 50 -- 100 lower that HEAO A-4. In this poster, we present an overview of the mission science goals and instrumentation, and describe the vigorous education and public outreach program that will convey BOLT's discoveries to the public.