Session 57 - Instrumentation & Information Science.
Oral session, Thursday, January 08
As a natural extension of our foil mirror research at Goddard, we have sought for the past two years to develop foil reflectors equipped with multilayered surfaces for the purpose of enhancing high energy mirror response. Multilayers used at grazing incidence offer likely the only real possibility for extending true imaging techniques to tens of keV or well beyond the customary upper bound of single material surfaces. Because of the very small grazing angles, thin-walled foil reflectors are particularly suited for this application.
We have previously reported significant progress with multilayers deposited on foil reflectors whose surfaces had been previously smoothed via epoxy replication. These reflectors had been produced in a two-step process in which the surface replication was a totally separate process from the subsequent deposition on them of the Pt/C multilayer. We have since sought to improve this process by replicating directly off a multilayer deposited on the replication mandrel. There are several advantages to this modification which include significant reductions in costs, complexity, the overall duration of reflector preparation as well as the possibility of a significantly smoother surface, extremely important for efficient specular reflection at high energies.
In this paper we will report our initial results with the fabrication and testing of such reflectors replicated off glass mandrels equipped with a Pt/C multilayer.