Session 66 - Radio - Loud AGN & Extragalactic Jets.
Oral session, Thursday, January 08
We have obtained images of 255 3CR radio galaxies and quasars by conducting a snapshot survey with HST's WFPC2 through a broadband red(F702W) filter. This is the third in a series of papers resulting from this survey, describing and presenting the basic data. Here, we focus on the 47 radio galaxies at redshifts less than 0.1 which we have imaged. There are a total of 56 galaxies in the 3CR with redshifts less than 0.1; thus we present data for 84% of the low redshift 3CR.
The images show that on the 0''.1 scale of the HST observations there is a wealth of detail visible. Roughly 45% of the galaxies show obvious dust in the form of either dust disks, patches, or filaments. By and large the host galaxies show profiles consistent with those of elliptical galaxies, but multiple nuclei are seen, as are highly flattened systems and apparent mergers. Some galaxies show nearby small galaxies which may be companions. From the images presented here, obvious optical jets are found in five sources (3C 15, 3C 66B, 3C 78, 3C 264, and 3C 274) and potential optical jets (which may also be simply the result of differential dust obscuration) are found in four additional sources (3C 88, 3C 129, 3C 353, and 3C 371). Thus, these data indicate that between 11-19% of low redshift 3CR radio galaxies show optical jets.