Session 74 - The Quiet & Active Sun.
Display session, Friday, January 09
Exhibit Hall,
Using OSSE/CGRO observations of the 1991 June 4 solar flare, we have shown previously (Murphy \itet al. 1997) that the total energy in accelerated ions exceeded the energy in >0.1 MeV electrons, (2) the composition of the ambient medium changed as the flare progressed, and (3) accelerated protons may have been present for several hours prior to and following the impulsive phase of the flare. We have now extended our analysis to the June 6, 9, and 11 flares also observed by OSSE, deriving time histories of the various components of gamma-ray emission for each. We compare the results for the four flares and discuss the implications on accelerated-particle abundances, energetics and trapping, ambient abundances, and temporally-extended particle acceleration. We also report on a search for lines resulting exclusively from \alpha and ^3He interactions with ambient Fe and discuss the implications of these fluxes on the accelerated \alpha and ^3He abundances. This work is supported by NASA DPR S-92556-F.
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