Session 80 - Star Clusters in the Milky Way.
Display session, Friday, January 09
Exhibit Hall,
[80.09] The Multiplicity of the Hyades and its Implications for Binary Star Formation and Evolution
J. Patience, A. M. Ghez (UCLA), I. N. Reid, A. J. Weinberger, K. Matthews (Caltech)
A 2.2 \mum speckle imaging survey of 167 bright
(K < 8.5 mag.) Hyades members with the Hale 5m telescope
reveals a total of 33 binaries with separations spanning
0\farcs05 to 1\farcs34 and magnitude differences as large
as 5.5 Kmag. Of these binaries, 12 are new detections.
A statistical analysis of this sample investigates a
variety of multiple star formation and evolution theories.
Over the binary separation range 0\farcs1 to 1\farcs07
(5 to 53 AU), the sensitivity to companion stars is fairly
uniform with <\Delta K_lim>= 4 mag, equivalent to a
mass ratio = 0.23. Accounting for the
inability to detect high mass ratio binaries in this
separation range results in an implied companion star
fraction (csf) of 0.30 \pm 0.06. The Hyades csf is
intermediate between the values derived from observations
of T Tauri stars (csf_TTauri=0.40\pm0.08) and solar
neighborhood G-dwarfs(csf_SN=0.14\pm0.03). This
result allows for an evolution of the csf from an
initially high value for the pre-main sequence to that
found for main sequence stars. Within the Hyades, the csf
is independent of the radial distance from the
cluster center. The distribution of mass ratios is best fit
by a power law q^-1.3\pm0.3 and shows no dependence on
the primary mass or the radial distance from the cluster
center. Both the csf and the mass ratio distribution
provide observational tests of binary formation mechanisms,
and the Hyades data are inconsistent with scale-free
fragmentation, capture in small clusters, and disk-assisted
capture in small clusters. Without testable
predictions, scale-dependent fragmentation and disk
fragmentation cannot be ruled-out by the Hyades data.
listing for Friday