Session 82 - Spirals & Irregulars.
Display session, Friday, January 09
Exhibit Hall,
During the Astro Spacelab missions, the Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope\/ (UIT) obtained spatially-resolved far- (\lambda\lambda \sim\,1500 Åand mid-UV (\lambda\lambda \sim\,2500 Åimagery of \sim 50 nearby galaxies. The sample spans the Hubble sequence including ellipticals, disk systems, and irregular galaxies. These images have a resolution of \sim\,3\arcsec, a limiting surface brightness of \mu_1500 \approx 25 mags arcsec^-2, and cover the full spatial extent of each system, many of which have angular diameters exceeding 5^\prime.
We are constructing datasets which combine the UV imagery obtained by UIT with associated optical (UBVRI,H\alpha) and near-IR (JHK) images of comparable depth and spatial resolution obtained at ground-based telescopes. Our primary goal is to provide a morphological Atlas of Galaxies extending from the far-ultraviolet (\lambda\lambda \sim\,1500 Åto near-infrared (\lambda\lambda \sim\,2.2\mu) wavelengths. The Astro-1/UIT Atlas contains registered and flux-calibrated images at FUV, NUV, R and H\alpha bandpasses and surface brightness profiles for galaxies which display extended structure, as well as integrated magnitudes (or upper limits) for the entire sample. The Astro-2/UIT Atlas contains FUV, U, R, and H\alpha images for \sim 40 systems, complemented by NIR images for the central regions of a a subset of the UIT galaxy targets. Both Atlases will become available in 1998.