Session 82 - Spirals & Irregulars.
Display session, Friday, January 09
Exhibit Hall,
Prelimary results of a study of star formation in giant extragalactic HII regions in 3 galaxies (NGC 2903, M 61, and NGC 4449) in the near (1-5\mum) infrared are given. Broadband images as well as Br\gamma (n = 7\rightarrow4, 2.166\mum) hydrogen recombination line and adjacent narrow-band continuum images, at a plate scale of \sim0.3\arcsec per pixel (spatial resolution \sim1\arcsec) are presented and comparison is made to previous optical BVR continuum and H\alpha observations. Br\gamma emission is detected from two of the galaxies, NGC 2903 and M 61, while an upper limit is reported for the third. Where applicable, extinction estimates from the hydrogen recombination line emission are made.
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