Session 85 - Cosmology: Observations.
Display session, Friday, January 09
Exhibit Hall,
Archival WFPC2 F300W images for \sim 110 pointings have been processed to obtain galaxy counts over a wider area and at brighter magnitudes than those measured in the Hubble Deep Field (HDF). Galaxy counts at 300 nm are sensitive to evolutionary effects on relatively short timescales. Locally, in galaxies with a constant star formation rate, F300W detects stars averaging \sim 500 Myr in age, as compared to \sim 1.6 Gyr for B. At a redshift of 0.5, F300W detects stars averaging \sim 60 Myr in age. Source detection is done with the \tt SExtractor program of Bertin. An IDL program parses input parameters, removes cosmic rays, and invokes \tt SExtractor, which generates the source catalogs. A comparison of our F300W number counts to those from the HDF will be presented.