Session 90 - High Energy Phenomena in AGNs.
Oral session, Friday, January 09
We examine the soft X-ray spectra of 5 AGN and quasars that have been observed with the Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer spectroscopically. Each target was observed for more than 300,000 s so there is good signal in the bandpass from 0.12 keV to 0.18 keV at 1 eV resolution. All spectra have been reduced and calibrated in similar fashion. The AGN represent a broad range of redshifts from near zero to 0.16 and two of five belong to the interesting AGN subclass known as ``narrow line Sy 1'' galaxies.
As found in our previous studies of the individual sources, we find no evidence for strong emission lines; rather a continuum model is favored. There are hints of weak features that do not have the same rest frame energy in all objects. Furthermore, none of these features match the spurious features reported by Hwang and Bowyer (1997), which appear misleadingly significant due to grossly underestimated uncertainties.