Session 91 - COBE and the Search for the Cosmic Infrared Background.
Oral session, Friday, January 09
The Cosmic Infrared Background (CIB) is hidden behind veils of foreground emission from the solar system and Galaxy. This talk describes procedures for removing the Galactic IR emission from the 1.25 -- 240 \mum COBE DIRBE maps as a step toward the ultimate goal of detecting the CIB. The starting point is DIRBE data from which the scattered light and thermal emission of the interplanetary dust (IPD) cloud has been removed. Locations affected by emission from bright compact and stellar sources are excluded from the analysis. The unresolved emission of faint stars at near- and mid-IR wavelengths is represented by a statistical model based on IR and optical Galactic source counts. The 100 \mum DIRBE observations are used as a spatial template for the ISM emission at high latitudes, with the zero point determined by correlation with gas phase data. At 240 \mum, we find that adding a second spatial template to the ISM model improves the accuracy of the model at low latitudes.