Session 92 - Very Young Stars, T-Tauri Stars, H-H Objects.
Oral session, Friday, January 09
We present new millimeter, submillimeter, and far-infrared images of three Class 0 protostar systems in Perseus: L1448C, the triple system L1448N, and IRAS 03282+3035. The data were acquired with a 7-element bolometer array on the IRAM 30-m, the common user bolometer, UKT14, on the 15-m James Clerk Maxwell Telescope, and via extensive HIRES processing and modelling of the IRAS data (Aumann, Fowler, amp; Melnyk 1990).
All three sources power bipolar molecular outflows. The spectacular outflow from L1448C is seen in dust emission for the first time at 60, 100, and 1300 microns. The instantaneous outflow mechanical luminosity derived from this emission is found to be a high fraction ( 50%) of the source luminosity, a property recently found to be another distinguishing characteristic of Class 0 protostars, the earliest observable protostellar stage (Bontemps et al. 1996). Extensive HIRES point-source modelling of the 100-micron IRAS emission around IRAS 03282 shows that the emitting dust is co-extensive with the flattened dense gas core, as traced by previous ammonia observations, from which the protostar is forming (Bachiller, Martin-Pintado, amp; Planesas 1991; Tafalla et al. 1993).
Aumann, H.H., Fowler, J.W., amp; Melnyk, M. 1990, AJ 99 1674 Bontemps, S., Andre, P., Terebey, S., amp; Cabrit, S. 1996, Aamp;A 311 858 Bachiller, R., Martin-Pintado, J., amp; Planesas, P. 1991, Aamp;A 251 639 Tafalla, M, Bachiller, R., Martin-Pintado, J. amp; M.C.H. Wright 1993, ApJL 415 L139