Session 103 - Quasars & Blazars.
Display session, Saturday, January 10
Exhibit Hall,
We present new imaging spectroscopy of the z=2.55, gravitationally lensed Cloverleaf QSO. We obtained the data using the MPE-3D near-infrared imaging spectrograph, covering, spatially, an 8^\prime\primesquare field, and, spectrally, the H (1.6 micron) and K (2.2 micron) bands at a resolution of R=1000. The BLR and continuum emission are unresolved by these data, but we find that the narrow [OIII] and H\alpha emission are relatively brighter toward the two western components of the quadruply imaged continuum source. We compare various models for the NLR as they are observed through a plausible model for the lensing galaxy.