Session 104 - Radio Galaxies, Radio Observations of AGN Jets & Outflows.
Display session, Saturday, January 10
Exhibit Hall,
We have obtained or are scheduled to obtain HST WFPC2 images in the V, I and H\alpha filters of a complete sample of 21 very nearby (d \sim 50 Mpc) radio loud UGC galaxies. With these data, we will be able to determine the luminosity profiles and stellar populations on the tens of parsec scale; (2) detect nuclear regions or disks of gas and dust. So far 11 galaxies have been observed. This subsample shows a striking variety in their optical properties in contrast to their quite uniform radio properties. Some galaxies possess obvious disks or lanes of dust in their inner regions, while others show little or no evidence for dust. The major axis of these dust distributions is invariably broadly perpendicular to the axis of the radio lobes. Furthermore three galaxies possess an optical jet. Here we present the photometry of the observed galaxies and an analysis of their optical properties, in particular of their dust and gas distributions. We discuss these results in combination with their radio properties and discuss their relation to the presence and nature of AGNs. The comparisons possible between our radio- -loud sample and similar HST studies of nearby radio--quiet ellipticals and lenticulars should provide a powerful statistical means for separating the processes associated with normal galaxy evolution from those responsible for the nuclear activity. Large statistical studies of this kind are crucial to understanding central black holes and their relationship with nuclear activity and galaxy evolution.