Session 106 - Clusters of Galaxies.
Display session, Saturday, January 10
Exhibit Hall,
We have obtained R band CCD images and high quality spectra with \sim1.3 Å\ resolution taken with fiber optics of well over 100 E+S0 galaxies in eight nearby (z < 0.04) Abell clusters. We have chosen clusters which contain a substantial number of spirals with previously determined accurate Tully-Fisher (TF) distances. Our observations allow us to directly compare distances derived via the fundamental plane (FP) and D_n-\sigma relations with those found using TF, and thus search for possible systematic differences between TF and FP. In particular, we hope to understand the large peculiar velocity of A2634 as measured by the E+SO's (Lucey), which does not emerge from TF analyses (Aaronson et al. 1986). We also compare our FP fits with those of recent work by Jorgensen et al. in order to examine possible cluster-to-cluster variations in age and metallicity and the effect of such variations on the derived FP distances.