Session 109 - Novae & Cataclysmic Variables.
Display session, Saturday, January 10
Exhibit Hall,
We present phase--resolved near--infrared J, H, amp; K photometry of four cataclysmic variables: HU Aqr, WZ Sge, UV Per, and V592 Cas. The light curves represent the first phase--resolved near--infrared photometry for these systems. The relative contributions of the secondary star and the accretion disk/regions to the near--infrared emission for each system is discussed. HU Aqr, an edge--on magnetic system with no accretion disk, displays a near--infrared light curve dominated by the ellipsoidal variations of the secondary. At J, however, HU Aqr shows an excess emission which is structurally similar to what is seen at high energy (X--ray and EUV). WZ Sge, a nearly edge--on dwarf nova, also displays ellipsoidal variations but at J and H the light curve modulation is dominated by flickering of the accretion disk. UV Per, a nearly face--on dwarf nova, shows light curves which are very similar to those seen in WZ Sge, but with flickering dominating at all three wavelengths. V592 Cas, a nearly face--on nova--like, shows near--infrared light curves which are dominated by the accretion disk and show little evidence of modulation by the secondary star