Session 1 - HAD I - Special Palomar Session.
Division, Oral session, Sunday, June 07
The Historical Astronomy Division, the Local Organizing Committee and Caltech are sponsoring this Special Session as part of a tour of the Palomar Observatory. The tour will involve a general tour of the site, a lunch, and a demonstration of the 200-inch telescope in operation.
Busses will leave for the Observatory from the Hotel at 9:00am.
There will be a session of three invited speakers addressing aspects of the history of the telescope and of the telescope's impact on astronomy. Speakers will explore how the telescope symbolizes "big science" in our time and how both theoretical and observational tools are necessary for progress, how the telescope was built and used in its first decades, and finally the role the telescope will play in the future of astronomical research. This paper session will be held on the floor of the telescope dome, reminiscent of the dedication ceremonies fifty years ago.