Session 4 - Observing Optical Transients - Sharing Data and Techniques.
Extra, Oral session, Sunday, June 07
Adobe/El Camino,
A wide variety of astrophysical objects exhibit rapid variations in optical intensity or position that are not efficiently monitored with the use of conventional observatory facilities. The list of such objects spans the entire length scale of astronomical interest: gamma-ray bursts, AGNs, supernovae, variable stars and small planetary objects, to name a few. The answer to this problem has been the construction of a number of robotic instruments with sub-meter aperture that are committed to a wide variety of observing strategies. The potential data output of these facilities is staggering. We would like to explore whether there is a common interest in the astronomical community for developing ways of sharing technical experience and imaging data. Short (5 minute) talks will describe various observing programs, either now operational or planned, followed by an open discussion from all participants concerning possible future directions.