Session 6 - Novae and Supernovae.
Display session, Monday, June 08
Atlas Ballroom,
Light echoes of supernovae may provide a valuable geometric method to measure extragalactic distances (Sparks 1994). A light echo of the Type Ia SN 1991T was revealed by ground--based observations made by Schmidt et al. (1994). We present high spatial resolution imaging of SN 1991T collected with the Faint Object Camera and the Wide Field Planetary Camera-2 on board the HST. FOC images obtained in December, 1996 and in December, 1997 show an extended patch of light at the position of SN 1991T, with U \sim 21. The magnitude of such an object is roughly constant at both epochs, although the detailed structures change. We are currently assessing the utility of this echo for a distance measurement.