Session 8 - Planets and Comets.
Display session, Monday, June 08
Atlas Ballroom,
I present the results of an extended period of photometric and CCD observations of C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp), taken with the 0.6 meter telescope at Mt. Laguna Observatory. I obtained a measurement of the rotation period of the comet nucleus, 10.84+/-0.28 hours, by measuring the rate of change of position angle of a bright jet core. The relative abundances of the principle constituents commonly found in comets (C2, C3, and CN) appear relatively constant over the short period of time they were observed. This period covers roughly +/- 40 days from perihelion passage. Finally, morphological results are presented showing the prominent shells which offered further opportunities for measurements of the rotation of the nucleus. The results reveal a large, active, dusty comet making another return to the inner solar system.