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Session 9 - High-Energy Phenomena.
Display session, Monday, June 08
Atlas Ballroom,

[9.01] GLAST Point Source Sensitivity

D. Engovatov, E. Bloom, C. Chaput (Stanford Linear Accelerator Center), S. Digel (NASA/GSFC), GLAST Collaboration

The Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope (GLAST) is a proposed next-generation high-energy gamma-ray telescope for studying astrophysical sources in the 10 MeV to 300 GeV energy range. One of the principal goals of the mission will be an all-sky survey with deep exposure. We present the projected sensitivity limits and source localization regions for the survey based on detailed Monte Carlo simulations of the interactions of gamma rays in GLAST, a realistic orbital observation mode, and various celestial gamma-ray backgrounds. We also estimate the size and reliability of the resulting source catalog.

Program listing for Monday