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Session 9 - High-Energy Phenomena.
Display session, Monday, June 08
Atlas Ballroom,

[9.02] The Evidence of Gamma-Ray Burst Clustering

Y. Li, K. S. Cheng, H. F. Chau (University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China), Y. Li, Y. Q. Ma (High Energy Astrophysics Lab, IHEP, Beijing, China)

We analysed the angular distribution of the \gamma-ray bursts by a more sensitive statistics to clustering signals based on the angualr two-point correlation method. The evidence of \gamma-ray burst clustering with 99.85% confidence level is found at a characteristic angular scale of 12^o. The statistical method is described in details. This result, the small scale anisotropy, suggests that the origins of gamma-ray bursts are nearby instead of cosmological distance.

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