Session 10 - Interstellar Medium and Star Formation.
Display session, Monday, June 08
Atlas Ballroom,
We report the discovery of five new T Tauri star systems, two of which are binary, in the vicinity of the nearest known region of recent star formation, the TW Hydrae Association. The locations, kinematics and characteristics of youth, such as high x-ray luminosity, strong H\alpha emission amp; Li I (6708 Åabsorption, strongly suggest that the seven components are indeed new members of the Association. This discovery doubles the known membership and points to a common origin for this mysterious group of young stars far from any known molecular cloud. At an age of \sim20 Myr and a distance of only 50 pc, the stars in this cluster are excellent candidates for future studies of circumstellar disk dissipation, planetary system formation and the star formation history of the solar neighborhood.