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Session 15 - The Sun and Solar Wind.
Display session, Monday, June 08
Atlas Ballroom,

[15.03] Fan-Like coronal X-ray Structures as Sources of Solar Wind

P. Hick (UCSD/CASS), Z. Svestka (UCSD/CASS), F. Farnik (Astronomical Inst. of Czech Academy of Sciences), H. S. Hudson (Solar Physics Research Corporation), B. V. Jackson (UCSD/CASS)

We show coronal soft X-ray images from the Yohkoh satellite, obtained following occurrences of limb flares. These images show rising post-flare loops, which are embedded in hot coronal structures looking like fans of coronal rays. We analyze the event on 28/29 August 1992, which occurred in AR 7270 on the east limb of the Sun. We suggest that these rays are multiple 'ministreamers', which apparently are formed as a result of the restructuring of the corona following the occurrence of a flare-associated CME. We argue that this configuration allows outflow of mass from the active region into interplanetary space. This is supported by synoptic maps of solar wind sources constructed from scintillation measurements showing a source of enhanced scintillation at the position of AR 7270.

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