Session 15 - The Sun and Solar Wind.
Display session, Monday, June 08
Atlas Ballroom,
We have studied several hundred images of solar spicules obtained on June 18 and 19 and July 15 of 1997. The observations were made at BBSO with the 65cm telescope feeding a Zeiss 1/4Å\ filter and a 1536x1024 Kodak CCD. Overexposed observations were made above the limb as well as normal exposures on the limb. The filter was tuned to H\alpha -0.65A and a 30sec interval was used. We were limited to a single wavelength because new software was being installed in a new control computer.
The images obtained were processed by high-pass digital filtering of the original FITS images and reregistered by an FFT technique. The image scale is 0.17 arcsec per pixel. The disk was observed on June 18, 1997 to detect the sources of macrospicules and the limb was observed by overexposure on June 19 to determine the height trajectory of the faintest H\alpha
We found that:
Many more spicules go up than come down.
There are numerous double and multiple spicules.
The macrospicules come from normal network elements and start with an "Eiffel tower" shape. There is evidence of magnetic changes underlying these features.
Both long macrospicules and complex eruptions are important at the pole.
There is some evidence for rotation in spicules.