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Session 25 - Galaxies, Clusters of Galaxies and their Evolution.
Oral session, Monday, June 08

[25.01] Improved Orbital Classification by Means of Modified Fourier Transform

D. D. Carpintero, F. C. Wachlin (Universidad Nacional de La Plata - Argentina), L. A. Aguilar (Instituto de Astronom\'\ia, UNAM, Mexico)

Based on the previous work of Carpintero amp; Aguilar (MNRAS, 1998, in press), we present an improved method of classifying orbits. Besides its ability in working unattended, which allowed for massive orbital classification, the original algorithm had a weak point, namely, its resolution in frequency space. Our new algorithm is improved with the Modified Fourier Transform, which allows better classifications and solves limit cases otherwise undefined.

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