Session 27 - IDEA Grants.
Special, Oral session, Monday, June 08
During this session, participants will receive the latest information about the 1998 IDEAS Grants Program. The participants will also learn about the importance of evaluation in educational initiatives and become familiar with the evaluation resources available on our Website. Time will be dedicated for short progress reports from current and past IDEAS grantees.
IDEAS Grants Program The Initiative to Develop Education through Astronomy and Space Science (IDEAS) is a grant program that funds start-up educational outreach projects which team educators with astronomers and space scientists. The purpose of the program is to provide grants to enhance science education through astronomy and space science.
IDEAS was developed in 1991 by the NASA Astrophysics Division to create more opportunities for scientists to share their knowledge and excitement about astronomy and space science with students, educators, and the general public. Today, the program is administered by the Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI) and coordinated by the Office of Public Outreach on behalf of NASA.
The IDEAS grants program encourages scientists to team with educators to undertake projects that promote greater mathematical, technological, and scientific literacy. The primary target of the IDEAS projects is the K-12 community of teachers, pre-service teachers, and students, as well as the general public. Funding for IDEAS grants is available in two sizes: small and large. Small grants up to a maximum of $10,000. Large grants up to a maximum of $40,000
Preference will be given to requests for small grants with high leverage/impact. Funds may be used to support local travel, materials, stipends, etc. Funding for equipment is discouraged but allowed in exceptional circumstances. For more information about IDEAS and to see the abstracts of awarded projects, visit our Web site at: or send e-mail to
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