Session 27 - IDEA Grants.
Special, Oral session, Monday, June 08
In partnernship with a pilot program of K12 teachers, we are significantly reshaping the traditional manner which astronomy is taught. Our focus is to incoporate the use of modern digital detectors and data analysis directly into the curriculum. The main goal of this project is to allow students to do real observations, either by remote observation with the Pine Mountain Observatory (PMO) 1-m telescope, or by accessing the HST digital archive. To assist students with data reduction we will provide them with JAVA reduction tools already under development. We will also train teachers on how to use this digital machinery in an effective manner so as to activate the innate curiosity of students and to instill in them an appreciation for the process of science. Our project will emphasize active student experimentation and collaboration (through coordinated observations). All results and observations will be maintained and archived on the Web server in residence at PMO.