Session 31 - The Structure and Evolution of The Universe - I.
Topical, Oral session, Tuesday, June 09
The Structure and Evolution of the Universe (SEU) is one of the four science themes within the NASA Office of Space Science. The fundamental quests of the SEU theme are:
To explain Structure in the Universe and Understand our Cosmic Destiny
To explain the Cycles of Matter and Energy in the Evolving Universe
To examine the Ultimate Limits of Gravity and Energy in the Universe
This one day topical session organized by Nicholas White and Richard Mushotzky (NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center) will highlight the science and objectives of this NASA program theme via a series of invited talks that address: Cosmic Seeds, the Large Scale Structure of the Universe, Dark Matter, the Chemical Evolution of the Universe, Supermassive Black Holes, Gravitational Waves, Stellar Endpoints, Gamma-ray Bursts, Star Formation, and Jets.