Session 33 - Gamma-ray Burst Counterparts and Afterglows.
Topical, Oral session, Tuesday, June 09
GRB971214 is the third optically identified Gamma Ray Burst. After the BeppoSAX/Wide Field Camera localization (Heise et al., IAUC 6787), Halpern et al. detected (IAUC 6788) a fading optical counterpart. Subsequent monitoring (Diercks et al. '98) showed this optical transient to have the fastest power-law decay of the three optical afterglows associated with GRBs observed to date. BeppoSAX managed to observe the X-ray afterglow (called 1SAX J1156.4+6513, Antonelli et al, IAUC 6792) with a long observation starting within 6.7 hours after trigger. We discuss the decay and timing behaviour of the X-ray afterglow in relation to the (highly structured) X-ray and Gamma Ray light curve of GRB971214