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Session 33 - Gamma-ray Burst Counterparts and Afterglows.
Topical, Oral session, Tuesday, June 09

[33.03] The decay of the X-ray afterglow of GRB971214 observed with BeppoSAX

J. Heise, J. in 't Zand (Space Research Organization Netherlands, Utrecht), E. Costa, L. Piro, M. Feroci (Inst. di Astrophysica Spaziale, Rome), F. Frontera, D. Dal Fiume, E. Pian (Inst. di Tecnologie e Studio della Radiazoni Extraterrestri, Bologna), L. Antonelli, A. Coletta (BeppoSAX, Rome), R. C. Butler (Agenzia Spaziale Italiana, Rome)

GRB971214 is the third optically identified Gamma Ray Burst. After the BeppoSAX/Wide Field Camera localization (Heise et al., IAUC 6787), Halpern et al. detected (IAUC 6788) a fading optical counterpart. Subsequent monitoring (Diercks et al. '98) showed this optical transient to have the fastest power-law decay of the three optical afterglows associated with GRBs observed to date. BeppoSAX managed to observe the X-ray afterglow (called 1SAX J1156.4+6513, Antonelli et al, IAUC 6792) with a long observation starting within 6.7 hours after trigger. We discuss the decay and timing behaviour of the X-ray afterglow in relation to the (highly structured) X-ray and Gamma Ray light curve of GRB971214

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