Session 34 - Real Instruments.
Display session, Tuesday, June 09
Atlas Ballroom,
Results of recent work with the Georgia State University Multiple Telescope Telescope (MTT) are presented. The MTT is a novel 1-m class fiber-fed spectrographic telescope, designed to be an inexpensive alternative for smaller astronomy departments. A tremendous amount of hardware and software upgrades have occurred in the last two years, which have markedly improved operations and user interaction with the telescope. The MTT has already provided scientific results, and the basic design is being used as a model by two other groups for new telescopes.
In addition to presenting the current capabilities of the MTT, the results of recent observations are also discussed. We have undertaken an OB binary star survey in an effort to study mass transfer effects in binary systems.We also are measuring several hot binary star systems and separating their spectra into the individual components (using a Doppler tomography algorithm developed at GSU). Another project is a complement to the new CHARA array, which will give us interferometric data to combine with MTT spectroscopic data. The combination of which leads to the determination of the masses and other system properties, leading to a better understanding of stellar and binary star evolution