Session 35 - Proposed Instruments and Programs.
Display session, Tuesday, June 09
Atlas Ballroom,
We propose to make the first true imaging, high energy resolution observations between 20-90 keV using a novel combination of multilayer grazing incidence mirrors and semiconductor focal plane detector arrays. This new instrument, the Fine Angular Resolution X-ray Imaging TelescopE (FAR_XITE) will be flown on 2 long duration balloons. FAR_XITE's combination of high sensitivity (10X better than current hard X-ray missions), good spatial resolution (<1', with 10'' localizations), and excellent energy resolution will allow spatially resolved spectral studies of: Sgr A* and accreting X-ray binary sources in the galactic center region, the hot diffuse flux near Sgr A*, weak field, low luminosity bursters, and cyclotron line shapes in accreting X-ray pulsars.