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Session 35 - Proposed Instruments and Programs.
Display session, Tuesday, June 09
Atlas Ballroom,

[35.09] The Cosmic Origins Spectrograph

J. Green, J. Morse (University of Colorado, Boulder)

The Cosmic Origins Spectrograph (COS) has been selected to be installed as a new Hubble Space Telescope instrument during the 2002 re-servicing mission. COS will provide high resolution (R= 20,000) spectroscopy of faint point sources and low resolution spectroscopy (R = 1000) of faint diffuse sources from 1150-3000 angstroms. The effective area of COS is sufficiently high that numerous extragalactic sources can be efficiently observed and the nature of the intervening material assessed. The instrument performance and science objectives of COS are summarized in this presentation.

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Program listing for Tuesday