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Session 36 - Active Galactic Nuclei.
Display session, Tuesday, June 09
Atlas Ballroom,

[36.13] Preliminary R and I Band Observations of Markarian 501

D. Ratay, L. F. Brown (Connecticut College)

We present preliminary differential CCD photometric observations of the BL Lac object Markarian 501. This work is part of a larger project recently initiated at the College to provide long-term optical monitoring of several bright active galaxies with the hope of illucidating the nature of both interday and longer time scale variability in these sources. Markarian 501 is a TeV gamma-ray source, and there is interest in obtaining optical data coincident with subsequent bursts. With this in mind, we began our monitoring program with this source. We will show the R and I band data that we have obtained from 1996.5 to the present, and we will compare our data to other optical monitoring efforts of Markarian 501.

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