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Session 36 - Active Galactic Nuclei.
Display session, Tuesday, June 09
Atlas Ballroom,

[36.14] A Model of the Variable Optical, Ultraviolet, and X-ray Continuum of NGC 5548

O. Blaes (UCSB), P. Magdziarz (U. Durham), G. Madejski (GSFC)

We present a detailed broadband spectral model of the continuum emission in the Seyfert 1 galaxy NGC 5548 based on an analysis of all available archival data (from ROSAT, ASCA, Ginga, GRO/OSSE, and optical/IUE observations). We use this model as a framework to interpret correlated variability in the different bands, and thereby constrain the properties of the accretion flow.

Program listing for Tuesday