Session 43 - Gamma-ray Burst Counterparts and Afterglows.
Display session, Tuesday, June 09
Atlas Ballroom,
The ROTSE I experiment is now performing searches for optical counterparts of gamma-ray bursts coincident with gamma-ray emission. The telescope images an entire BATSE error box (a 16x16 degree field) within 10 seconds of burst onset, to 15th magnitude in V. ROTSE I began continuous, fully automated operation in March of 1998. We describe the performance of ROTSE I, and report the first results from a series of burst responses. These include response times as short as 6 seconds to a number of bursts detected by BATSE, some of which were later localized by IPN and Beppo-SAX. We conclude with prospects for extending this work below 18th magnitude with ROTSE II.