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Session 43 - Gamma-ray Burst Counterparts and Afterglows.
Display session, Tuesday, June 09
Atlas Ballroom,

[43.05] Results from ROTSE: Real-Time searches for GRB optical counterparts to 15th magnitude

T. A. McKay, C. Akerlof, B. Lee, B. Kehoe (U. Michigan), J. Bloch, D. Casperson, S. Fletcher, G. Gisler, W. Priedhorsky, J. Szymanski, J. Wren (LANL), S. Marshall (LLNL)

The ROTSE I experiment is now performing searches for optical counterparts of gamma-ray bursts coincident with gamma-ray emission. The telescope images an entire BATSE error box (a 16x16 degree field) within 10 seconds of burst onset, to 15th magnitude in V. ROTSE I began continuous, fully automated operation in March of 1998. We describe the performance of ROTSE I, and report the first results from a series of burst responses. These include response times as short as 6 seconds to a number of bursts detected by BATSE, some of which were later localized by IPN and Beppo-SAX. We conclude with prospects for extending this work below 18th magnitude with ROTSE II.

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