Session 46 - Interstellar Scattering and Scintillation as Tools in Radio Astronomy.
Topical, Oral session, Tuesday, June 09
We describe the results of a multi-frequency VLBA study of the scatter-broadened images of fifteen compact extragalactic sources. The sources are located along lines of sight which intercept the Cygnus X superbubble. We have used the phase structure function to determine the spatial spectrum of turbulence with high SNR on scales from 100 to 6,000 km. We will discuss evidence for detection of an inner scale length along some lines of sight as well as excess visibility amplitude for projected baseline lengths much greater than the diffractive scale. We also find that most scattered-broadened images are significantly elliptical with orientations which may be related to the large-scale magnetic field orientation in the Cygnus superbubble.