Session 47 - The Shapley Visiting Lectureship Program.
Topical, Oral session, Tuesday, June 09
From my first participation in the Visiting Professor's program more than thirty years ago to my most recent visit, as a Harlow Shapley Visiting Lecturer, I have been privileged to be able to assist AAS, (a) in their efforts to stimulate more interest in Astronomy by providing students and faculty members at small colleges with practical advice on careers, teaching programs and facilities, and (b) to presenting current astronomical ideas and concepts to local communities via the public talks. Virtually all of my visits have been enjoyable, satisfying and rewarding, with some even accompanied by opportunities to see places of historical and scenic interest. There have also been a small number of occasions, fortunately, when "mis-adventures" and frustrations occurred during the visits. Finally, I will try to present some impressions of my visits as to their being successful to the overall aims of our Visiting Programs.