Session 53 - SNs, Planetaries and Circumstellar Disks.
Display session, Wednesday, June 10
Atlas Ballroom,
We have used the imaging Fabry-Perot spectrometer on the 1.5m telescope at CTIO to map the velocity structure of [O\thinspace \scriptsize III] \lambda 5007\ emission from the young supernova remnant (SNR) G292.0+1.8. This is one of only three Galactic oxygen-rich (Cas A type) SNRs, all of which have filaments showing strong oxygen lines, essentially zero hydrogen, and velocities \gtrsim1000 \:\rm\,km\,s^-1\@. These filaments are almost surely shards of ejecta from the core of a massive star, which remain uncontaminated by interaction with the interstellar medium. Since the filaments have probably decelerated little if at all since being launched by the supernova event, their radial velocities are proportional to their distances (from the explosion center) along the line of sight. Therefore, taking slices in velocity space enables us to construct a three-dimensional map of the remnant. We will report our results for the kinematics and distribution of [O\thinspace \scriptsize III]-emitting filaments in G292, and compare these with emission observed in other bands.
This work has been supported by the NSF through grant AST-9618465 and by the W.M. Keck Foundation through the Keck Northeast Astronomy Consortium.